Study Tips

The (Dos and) Don’ts Of Using Technology In The Classroom

With all of the talk about using technology in the classroom, many of these goals probably revolve around implementing tech into instruction. There are numerous ways to do this.

With every passing academic year, teachers naturally make goals in hopes of becoming a more effective educator.

The activities listed here are not necessarily bad, however they do not exactly constitute using technology to enhance instruction. A few of them might be considered torture.

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1. Showing movies with the projector is not using technology effectively.

2. Using the interactive whiteboard just like you used to use the chalk board is not using technology effectively.

3. Having students print pictures from Google images to paste onto a poster is not using technology effectively.

4. Using PowerPoint or the document camera as a means for students to copy notes is not using technology effectively.

5. Having students copy notes from an overhead projector should be considered a crime and is definitely not an effective use of technology.

The article originally appeared in the Web20 Education Blog

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