
Fanfare At Kampala Parents School Inter-Schools Gala

Youngsters love to play, add a little prize to it and the competition levels will double. Every time Kampala Parents Schools organizes a sports event revelers are assured of flair, fun and more fun.

Kampal Parents Sports FanfareIn their spirit of developing sports, talent and unity among schools, Kampala Parents School yet again invited other primary schools to take part in the inter-schools football, netball and basketball competitions.

The Competitors and Winners

In the end Kampala Parents School, Kisule Primary School, Muto Primary School Buwama and St Catherine Primary School competed in football, netball and basketball at the host sports complex.

In football, Muto Primary School beat Kampala Parents School 4-3 on penalties in the semifinals to set up a meet in the final with St Kisule Primary School who earlier had defeated St Catherine. Muto went on to claim the title with a 2-0 win over St Kisuule.

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The Reviews

Margaret Okwi, Kampala Parents School head of co-curriculum activities said pupils get very many things from co-curriculum activities. She said some of the benefits for pupils taking part in co-curriculum activities including socializing, getting friends, building their bodies, become physically fit and body endurance.

“It is relaxes their minds after spending a lot of time in classrooms. At Kampala Parents School, we try to build a child as a whole – physically and mentally.” She said.

Daphne Kato, Principal Kampala Parents School describing the visiting as ‘brothers and sisters’ said they are ‘all colleagues in the struggle’. “We need to strengthen our relationship with other schools, we are all brothers and sisters. Teams like Muto Primary School have come from upcountry and have been able to interact with us. They defeated us and this builds their confidence.”

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The winners Coaching in progress The competition The Fans in the Stands